Public deliverables &
D1.3 - Data management plan
D2.1 - Pilot use case design and user requirements
D2.3 - Requirements communication and stakeholder engagement
D3.2 - Social media and mobile data collection
D3.3 - UAV Data Collection
D4.1 - Data availability for AI models and quality of annotated data v1
D4.2 - Water Quality Estimation
D5.1 - 3D Μodel reconstruction from satellite data
D6.1 - The CALLISTO ontologies and semantic indexing
D6.2 - Named entity recognition for geo-referencing
D7.1 - Technical requirements and platform development roadmap
D9.1 - Initial Communication and Dissemination plan
D9.2 - CALLISTO web presence
D9.4 – Mid-term dissemination plan
CALLISTO generated datasets
- Annotated Street Level Images from Mapillary (published in MMM22)
- Space2Ground dataset for Agriculture Monitoring (published in IVMSP-2022)
- Paddy Rice Maps South Korea (2017~2021)
- Paddy Rice Labeling Sites in South Korea (2018)
- Water quality in a basin for drinking water in the North-West of Italy (2022)
- Geotagged tweets in German about air quality (published in IVMSP2022) (2022)
- Syntactic Geospatial data generated in RDF format (2022)
- Air quality trends for Berlin and Hamburg (2021-2022) (2023)
Project templates
A set of templates has been designed aiming to ensure the consistency of the project visual identity. This set of templates includes:
- A template for project deliverables
- A template for project PowerPoint presentations.
- A template for press releases.
- A template for dissemination activities reporting.
- A template for blog posts.